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Anti-Bullying Information

At Birchington CE Primary School incidents of bullying are rare; our school is committed to developing an anti-bully culture where bullying of children or adults is not tolerated in any form. We take the issue of bullying extremely seriously.


What is Bullying?

Bullying is always deliberate or on purpose. It is not an accident. It can be defined as “behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time that intentionally hurts another either physically or emotionally” DFE ‘Preventing and Tackling Bullying’, July 2017. Bullying is repeated, often over a long period of time. It is not a one off, single incident. For example, being called a name one, or being pushed once in the playground, whilst being unpleasant is not defined as bullying. Class teachers would deal with this type of behaviour as it occurs.

Each class will conduct PSHCE/Circle Time sessions to address any classroom/playground/friendship issues as they arise. Pupils are also involved in anti-bullying workshops and theme weeks. There are a range of displays around the school promoting our expectation of pupil behaviour.


Different Types of Bullying

  • Bullying related to physical appearance
  • Bullying of young carers, children in care or otherwise related to home circumstances
  • Bullying related to physical/mental health conditions
  • Physical bullying
  • Emotional bullying
  • Sexual bullying
  • Bullying via technology, known as online or cyberbullying
  • Prejudicial bullying (against people/pupils with protected characteristics):

         - Bullying related to race, religion, faith and belief and for those without faith

         - Bullying related to ethnicity, nationality or culture

         - Bullying related to Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND)

         - Bullying related to sexual orientation (homophobic/biphobic bullying)

         - Gender based bullying, including transphobic bullying

         - Bullying against teenage parents/carers (pregnancy and maternity under the Equality Act)


  • We use a Restorative approach, which focuses on dialogue between both the victim and the perpetrator
  • Our Pastoral Manager/FLO is on hand to offer advice to any child who needs the support
  • We have a school councillor that pupils can access
  • Our reward systems focus not only on academic achievement, but also praises positive behaviour
  • Pupil ‘buddies’ support our EYFS and KS1 children at lunch time

If you have any queries or concerns regarding this matter please see your child's class teacher, the Pastoral Manager/FLO or a school leader who will be happy to help you. Further information on our procedures for dealing with any type of bullying can be found in our Anti-Bullying Policy below.  

Useful websites
