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Ms Loraine Bant - Chair of Governors/Foundation Governor

I am the Chair of Governors on the Governing Body and take particular interest in the Christian and spiritual aspects of the school. I also take responsibility for over-seeing Safeguarding, Additional Educational Needs, The Impact of Pupil Premium Funding, Online Safety and Wellbeing within the school. As Chair of Governors I am Chair of the Governing Strategic committee but also attend the Learning and Development and Resources meetings too. I am the Hub Governor for Computing , SEND and RE and Spirituality as well as being Phase Governor for Phase 1. I enjoy taking Collective Worship at the school and listening to the singing - I especially like meeting the pupils and hearing their views.

I spent my working life in secondary schools - mainly in Kent . I taught PE and Food and was a head of PE for many years before becoming a senior leader. I am a Churchwarden, President of Kent Women's Hockey and a Rotarian.



Ms K Barham - Headteacher

I am immensely proud of being both the Headteacher and a Governor at Birchington CE Primary School. As the Headteacher, I am a member of all the Governor committees.
I have been Headteacher at Birchington since April 2007 and since then have overseen many positive changes, including the expansion of our school. I lead a friendly, hardworking and proactive team whose aim is to be outstanding in every aspect of school life – it is an absolute pleasure to work here and I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else!

I came to Birchington after being Headteacher of Sheldwich Primary School in Faversham for six years and before this I was Deputy Headteacher at the same school. My first teaching post was at Dame Janet Junior School in Thanet.



Mrs Samantha Stanton - Vice Chair of Governors/Co-opted Governor

My name is Samantha Stanton and I am delighted to be working with the staff, children and Governors at Birchington School. I’m looking forward to spending more time at the school to understand how it can develop and improve upon the fantastic standards already in place.

I want to use my experience as a Chartered Accountant and business leader to help with the resources committee; to provide guidance on the best way to utilise the funds available and ensure the team at the school have the best facilities and an environment that helps to support the learning goals of the school. My family love living in the local area. We regularly go for walks and bike rides in Minnis Bay, which is a great place to explore and enjoy the outdoors. Our families favourite afternoon is spent catching crabs and rock pooling down by the sea.   



Mr J Forwood - Deputy Headteacher/Co-opted Governor

I am the Deputy Headteacher of the school and a member of all the Governing Body committees.I have been at the school since January 2011. I work very closely with Ms Barham and the rest of the Governors in driving the school towards 'Outstanding'. Prior to joining the school I worked at two other large primary schools in East Kent, and before having a career in Education I worked in the City of London in various financial institutions.  







Mr Stephen Hughes - Co-opted Governor

Stephen is a Co-opted Governor and former pupil of the school. With a background in finance and systems, Stephen spent most of his working life in the travel industry as an International Tour Operator.





Miss Abbie Fowler - Staff Governor

I am proud to represent the staff on the school Governing Body. I began teaching at Birchington CE Primary School in 2019 and feel extremely fortunate to be part of such a supportive and caring school community.

I have a BA in English, a PGCE in Early Primary and a Masters in Education. My favourite part of teaching is enjoying stories with my class and fostering a love of books. As an Early Years teacher, I also enjoy spending time outside supporting our youngest learners to explore and discover the world around them. I am also lucky to work with the School Council and hope to strengthen the links and connections between pupils and Governors through my role on the Governing Body.

Everyone shares a passion for education and wellbeing here at Birchington. I find it so motivating to be part of such a strong team of dedicated professionals who always have the best interests of the children at heart.



Reverend Mark Ham - Vicar Ex-Officio Governor

My name is Mark, or Rev Mark, and I am Priest-in-Charge, the local Vicar if you like, of three of the churches in Birchington – All Saints’, St Thomas and St Mildred.   I am here to help and support people of all ages spiritually and pastorally and I live in the Village.  Our churches are here to show the love of God to all and everyone is welcome.

I want to be a Governor as I am passionate about education.  A good education provides a firm foundation and the opportunities needed to aspire and flourish in life.   Learning helps us all to grow, not just academically, but also spiritually, socially and mentally, and it equips us to contribute to the greater good of our wider community and society as a whole.   I am excited about becoming part of our school in Birchington as a Governor as I want to support the Headteacher, staff, other Governor colleagues and all of its children, in the best way I can, to help it continue flourishing and in being the best school that it can be.

Before I was ordained, I was a manager within the National Health Service for 25 years and have experience in business and strategic planning and I am aware of the importance of effective governance and due diligence.   As a priest I hope that I can offer prayerful and spiritual support to all within Birchington School.  I am looking forward to working with all within the School and hope that I can make a useful contribution to its life.


Mr Tony Walker-Banfield - Parent Governor

I am the Parent Governor and my expertise lay in languages and geography. I have studied in travel and been lucky enough to have had a very long career in the tourism industry. I have travelled to in excess of 126 countries and have always endeavoured to learn new languages and embrace every new culture I come across. My French teacher inspired my passion at primary school age and so my subject areas which encompass “understanding the world” include all teachings that I believe can truly take our children places.


Mrs Tina Seymour - Foundation Governor

I am pleased to be appointed a Foundation Governor. I am a mother to 3 children and a grandmother to 5 children. My husband and I moved to Thanet 9 years ago from Bromley, where I worked as a Teaching Assistant in a SEN school for 24 years. I loved working in a school environment and am excited to join Birchington CE Primary School and share in their beliefs and values. Whilst helping with Breakfast Club I saw how beneficial it was to the families. It was also good to interact with the students and parents. My interests and hobbies are crafting, reading, gardening, and going away in our caravan.


Miss Tracy Leighton - Co-Opted Governor

My name is Tracy Leighton and I am delighted to join the team of Governors at Birchington CE Primary School.
I have lived in the local area since 1990 when I qualified from Christ Church College as a primary school teacher. During my 31 years in primary education I have been a class teacher, assessment coordinator, Assistant Head, Deputy Head, Head of School and Headteacher. I taught at 4 schools, including an elementary school in America as part of a years teaching exchange. I have also worked for the local authority in their data management team. In 2021 I left primary education and worked as a driving instructor before deciding to take early retirement. I now consider myself semi-retired as I currently work part-time as a finance officer within the education sector.
I am excited to take on this new role as a school governor and I am looking forward to learning more about the school and the community it serves.


 Mr Phil Morley - Parent Governor  

My name is Phil Morley and I would like to introduce myself as one of the appointed Parent Governors at Birchington CE Primary School. I have lived in the Parish of Birchington since 2011 and I have worked in the   Thanet district for over 22 years. I am a full time working professional and my expertise and experiences lay in Community Safety, Safeguarding and Partnership working. I have been a parent of the school since 2016 and two of my children have attended for their primary years, with my youngest child due to start Reception in September 2026. I totally believe in and support the school’s ethos, values and Christian Vision having myself benefitted from a faith-based education.



Miss Felicity Stafford - Clerking Professional

I am Clerk to the Governors, and was once a teacher myself but I am retired now. I enjoy a variety of interests one of which is reading.



