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Our Christian Vision and School Values

At Birchington CE Primary school. we have five strong School Values which, alongside our Christian Vision,  permeates our approach to everything we do.




Our school parable is The Lost Sheep. We chose this because it underpins our Christian Vision and School Values. In this parable, Jesus tells the story of a shepherd that left his 99 sheep and searched everywhere for his one missing sheep, not giving up until it was safely back with its flock. He then rejoiced over its return. In Birchington CE Primary School, we work to ensure members of our school community all feel safe, valued and able to flourish, just like the lost sheep in the parable. Our commitment to pastoral care and wellbeing ensures everyone is well supported and loved. 


We have hope that all our children will grow from their unique starting point and strive for a successful future. Similarly, the shepherd cared enough about his missing sheep to search for it and return it to the flock so it could continue to grow and flourish. He also knew the sheep would not flourish alone.


Following Jesus’ example, from the Parable of the Lost Sheep and other Bible verses, we learn to forgive, respect, love and care for everyone in our world, just as God does.










Our School Prayer


Our school prayer is very important to us here at Birchington CE Primary School. It brings us together as a community showing love and hope.

