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Year R - September 2025 entry


Our Open Mornings will take place in November 2024. Further details will be published in due course.

General Admissions


If you would to like to enquire about your child joining Birchington CE Primary School, please contact our Business Manager, Mrs Blake either by phoning the school office or emailing


If your child is already enrolled at another school you may need to complete an ‘In-Year Admissions Form’. Further information can be found here: KCC – Move to a different school.

Useful Links

Useful Contact Numbers;


Secondary Admissions Team -

Tel: 03000 416678 / Fax: 03000 422862


Primary Admissions Team -

Tel: 03000 416111 / Fax: 03000 422861


In Year Admissions Team  -

Tel: 03000 416789 / Fax: 03000 422860


Online Admissions Team -

Tel: 03000 412121 / Fax: 03000 422858
