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How do we support your child?

How do we support our children here at Birchington Church of England Primary School?





At Birchington CE Primary School, we are committed to making our classrooms as inclusive as possible. We recognise that some children may need more support to access the curriculum. All pupils will have access to:


  • Visual daily timetable using communication in print symbols.
  • Task boards/Now and Next boards
  • Visual aids e.g. symbols to help with communication or behaviour/ emotions or organisers/ checklists
  • 1:1 or small group adult support where necessary
  • Communication boards
  • Individual timetables
  • Use of scaffolds (e.g. writing frames), word banks, alphabets, coloured paper, sound mats and over lays where needed.
  • Number lines and hundred squares
  • Enlarged text where necessary
  • Russian scaffolding
  • Children sat in an appropriate place in the classroom
  • Sensory breaks planned and allowed for as and when needed
  • Sensory resources available for children – fiddle toys, ear defenders, screens, chair bands, wobble cushions, different writing implements
  • Using technology to support pupils where necessary
  • Using flexible grouping systems and buddies
  • A range of manipulatives and real world objects such as counting bears, dienes blocks and number frames, 2D and 3D objects
  • Transition books
  • Social stories
  • A level of differentiation within the work provided


The flow chart below demonstrates the process that school's must undertake in order to gain the right support for children. The Plan, Do, Assess, Review cycle must be adhered to and all steps followed to ensure we obtain the right support in school.

Graduated Approach to SEND


Support for children with emerging needs or SEND should be through the graduated approach. This is a four-part cycle leading to a growing understanding of the child’s needs. It supports practitioners to identify the actions that need to be put in place to ensure the best outcomes for the child.



What are the 4 main areas of need?


What are the Mainstream Core Standards?


The mainstream core standards provides a framework for schools to support children and young people with SEND. This is further supported by the county wide approach to inclusive education, which details the plan in moving forward in making sure SEND children and young adults are included in mainstream education.

Some children will need extra support
