Science Subject Information
Science is a key focus in our school and the staff and children all have an enthusiasm and eagerness to continue their learning in the subject. Science is led by Mrs Harmer; all research and up to date practices are shared with Governors, the Leadership Team and staff on a regular basis. The core focus of Science is making the subject real to the children so that they understand the importance of the subject in the modern world. We are also focusing upon ensuring children understand and retain the key knowledge, concepts and skills, and making links to other subjects such as DT and Maths. The curriculum covers all knowledge, concepts and skills necessary for the children to understand the different areas of Science and it is taught starting in the EYFS and on a cyclical basis throughout Years 1 to 6 so that the children can build on their previous knowledge and move their understanding into their long term memory.
In the EYFS, many areas of Science are taught through Understanding the World, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development. The children are able to plan and carry out investigations from a young age and then consider what effects these results have in the real world.
These skills develop throughout their time in school, ensuring that the children can plan, predict, carry out, record results and evaluate a number of investigations and experiments. The children also get the opportunity to meet different people from the scientific field and go on trips where they can investigate ideas and see Science at work. This hands-on experience fuels the children’s passion for Science and encourages them to be the scientists of the future. The evidence of all of these wonderful experiences can be seen in the children’s books, on the working walls in each classroom and in the Investigative Floor Books which are kept in every class; but the main source of evidence comes from the pupils themselves. They speak with enthusiasm for the subject and with an eagerness to take their learning further, whether that be though home learning tasks or through activities which they choose to pursue themselves.