Learning and Growing; Safe in God’s Love
Our Curriculum
At Birchington CE Primary School, our curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of our pupils through interesting and engaging learning opportunities. Our approach and curriculum design stems from the words of our Christian Vision. Our curriculum includes but expands beyond the statutory expectations of the subject specific National Curriculum. Its design also encompasses three other main areas, the whole school curriculum, the local curriculum and the hidden curriculum. This design meets our vision of equipping our pupils with the foundations they need to flourish on their life journey. Our pupils are enveloped in an environment of safety, nurture, respect and ambition.
Our curriculum design allows teachers flexibility within timetabling to support pedagogical methods.
Birchington CE Primary School is situated in the coastal village of Birchington-On-Sea. We are very fortunate to be able to use our local area, with national and global themes, to assist in creating exciting, active and concrete learning opportunities for our pupils.
“Pupils flourish in this school.” (OFSTED 2019)
If you would like to have any further information regarding our curriculum, please see your child's class teacher, Phase Leader or Senior Leader, who would be happy to help you.
Please see individual subject areas, for specific subject information.
Click on each subject to find out more: