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School Dinners

*New School Meal System - September 2024*


As part of our KCC Catering contract our new school meal provider is now 'Nourish'. Please find below their menus. Details of the online ordering system have been emailed out to parents and carers


All school meals need to be booked in advance on Parentpay - the online system for Nourish. This is still relevant even if you are entitled to free school meals or if your child is in Year R, 1 and 2, and no payment will be required. If you have not yet opened an account with Parentpay, please see previous emails sent from Parentpay (or Platform) which contains information on how to set up an account. If you have not received an email, please speak to the School Office.


If you would like your child to have a school dinner the current cost per day is  £2.96 (from September 2024).

Free School Meal Entitlement



Although some children prefer to bring a packed lunch to school, we can also provide a well balanced hot meal for your child every day.





