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School Dinners

*New School Meal System - September 2024*


As part of our KCC Catering contract our new school meal provider will be changing to 'Nourish' from September 2024. Please find below their menu which will be in place until the end of term 1, 2024-2025. A new menu will be issued by Nourish for term 2.


Further details of the new online ordering system will be sent out to parents and carers by the end of term 6, 2023-2024.

*CH&Co School Meal System*


Our school meal provider, CH & Co (previously known as Principals) are now using a new website. This system will enable you to order your child's meals directly and make payments.


Please refer to the registration and ordering guides below.


If you would like your child to have a school dinner or a packed lunch the current cost per day is  £2.67 per day or £13.35 per week (prices from September 2023)


If you have any queries, please contact CH & CO directly via their website: click here



Free School Meal Entitlement



Although some children prefer to bring a packed lunch to school, we can also provide a well balanced hot meal for your child every day.





