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Safeguarding Ambassadors

Safeguarding Ambassadors


A huge number of children from across Key Stage 2 applied to become the school's very first Safeguarding Ambassadors. Over 70 very well written application forms were completed, giving the children an opportunity to tell Mrs Wilson why they thought they would make excellent pupil representatives.


Our Ambassadors will work as a collective group to be the voice of the pupils across the school and support staff to work effectively to safeguard children. We will look at different areas such as developing a child-friendly Child Protection policy, improve road safety, identify potential hotspots around the school, help staff to plan and deliver anti-bullying week and online safety activities. We also hope to welcome some guest visitors into school and work alongside Safeguarding Ambassadors in other schools to share our fabulous ideas.

Our first job was to help Mrs Wilson write a child friendly version of our new Safeguarding Policy so that all the children in the school could understand what child protection is, how the adults in the school will protect us and when it is important to tell a trusted adult about something that may have happened.

