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Links With Our Local Church




Throughout the year, we use All Saints Church for a number of services and celebrations. These include a family Carol Service, a Key Stage 1 Christingle Service, a Year 4 led Christmas Service, a Year 5 led Easter Service and a Year 6 led Leavers Service. The church is also available to display our pupils’ work use and for class or year group trips to support our RE curriculum. We were involved in two creative projects when our children provide a range of beautiful artwork to decorate the church and prayers to be shared during services. The first in March meant the church was filled with children’s handmade daffodils in all different forms. The second where the church was filled with doves, also in many different forms to celebrate this special time in the Christian calendar. These displays were visited by parents and carers as well as members of the congregation and the local community.


A message from REVEREND MARK HAM



I very much value the links the Church has with Birchington CE Primary School and am excited to be a Foundation Governor. I was installed in February 2020, and have very fond memories of the School Choir singing beautifully at this service. I am very keen to offer pastoral and spiritual support to the school, not just through Collective Worship and Spirituality Classes, but by encouraging school visits into the church. I am excited about the future and am eager to work with the school very closely and have appreciated the art work and the prayers that were drawn and written to support the National Day of Reflection and Pentecost, and I hope we can develop other projects and initiatives together.


Revd Mark Ham


A message from Ms Loraine Bant, Chair of Governors & Foundation Governor


I have been a Foundation Governor at Birchington Church of England Primary School for a number of years now and throughout I have worked hard to maintain a positive link between the Anglican church in Birchington and our Church of England School. I am very proud to be Chair of Governors of this fantastic school where the children enjoy learning about the Bible and the stories which it tells. They have become very spiritual and enjoy their RE and Collective Worships. It is a great joy to be able to visit the school to observe RE and Spirituality lessons and opportunities and lead some of the Collective Worships helping the children to get to know Jesus. I always try to be in Church if the children are visiting and I hope to continue to be able to bring the church into the life of the school.


Ms Loraine Bant

Visits to All Saints Church


We absolutely love going to our local All Saints Church. It always gives us a sense of awe and wonder when we visit.


Year 2 recently visited the Church and were greeted by Rev. Mark. The children loved exploring the church and volunteering to take part in a pretend wedding and christening celebration. They learned all about the different parts to the ceremonies and what makes them special. The children listened intently and were full of thought-provoking questions. 


Our  local church support our children and families of Birchington CE Primary school by running a really successful Supper Club every Tuesday evening from 3.30pm until 5.30pm.




We have lots of wonderful links with our local church. One of our firm favourites is Messy Church club held here at school and run by Rev Mark and Loraine Bant. 


They also come into school to run two very special sessions - staff and pupil prayer groups. we feel very lucky to have two such dedicated Governors who give up so much time to make our school the special place that it is. 



Sharing our Christian Vision and Easter Prayers with our community

Some examples of our daffodils displayed in All Saints Church
