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The role of our Governing Body in a Church of England School

At Birchington CE Primary School our Governing Body is responsible for the strategic direction of the school. This leaves the Headteacher and Senior Leaders responsible for day-to-day operation and management. Our Governors also play a key role in ensuring there is clarity of our Christian distinctiveness.

Due to Birchington CE Primary being a church school, an important role of each Governor, alongside their other responsibilities, is to ensure this Christian distinctiveness is prominent, maintained and developed, and everything we do is guided by our Christian Vision.

In addition, our Governors are committed to ensuring that the school carries out the targets set out in our
School Plan. Following our committee Model of Governance, we have six Full Governing Body meetings and 
six Strategic and Finance & Resources Committees per year.

The three main roles of our Governors and committee model of Governance:


The Key Responsibilities of the Governing Body include:

  • Ensuring accountability
  • Acting as a ‘critical friend’
  • Monitoring and evaluating the school’s progress
  • Budgetary allocation and control
  • Planning for the long-term future of the school
  • Setting the school’s aims and values
  • Appointing senior members of staff including the Headteacher
  • Ensure the Christian ethos of the school is maintained and developed
  • Ensure there is daily Collective Worship and weekly teaching of Religious Education


Our Chair of Governors, Ms Loraine Bant, is happy to answer any governance questions you may have and can be contacted at or via the school office.

Governor Roles and Responsibilities 2024-2025

